Each spouse must be an assesse Take advantage of non-clubbing provisions Fully utilize deduction under section 80C individually Take advantage of maximum deduction of Rs.2.00 lacs on residential house for both Take advantage of Mediclaim Policy
Read More...India being religious, cultural yet fashionable country ruled by demonstration needs, a small scale business of customized jewellery like necklaces, earrings, and bracelets that are uniquely designed for each of your customers is a great business ide
Read More...Don’t start business just out of fascination but rely on your skill set and love for the activities forming part of your business Businesses built around your strengths and talents will have a greater chance of success.
Read More...Many entrepreneurs jump over every "opportunity" they come across. Opportunities are often wolves in sheep's clothing. Avoid getting side-tracked. Juggling multiple ventures will spread you thin and limit both your effectiveness and productivity. Do
Read More...No one knows everything, so don't come off as a know-it-all. Surround yourself with advisors, critics and mentors who will equip you to be your best.
Read More...No one will invest in you. If you need capital to launch your venture, go back to the drawing board. Find a starting point instead of an end point. Demonstrate your worth before seeking investment. If your concept is successful, your chances of raisi
Read More...Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle, not a 9-to-5 profession. Working to the point of exhaustion will burn you out and make you less productive. Don't make excuses. Eat right, exercise and find time for yourself.
Read More...According to the Companies Act, sweat equity are equity shares that a company issues to an individual in consideration of his/her services, knowhow or any other value addition that the company has benefited from. The Company can choose t
Read More...1. True forgiveness takes time. There is no shortcut to forgiveness. 2. Forgiveness does not mean that you condone the action. “Forgiveness is a release of all anger and resentment against the person who hurt you. 3. Forgiveness m
Read More...Government efforts to promote financial inclusion have made RuPay stand out among its international peers. The payment gateway has surely helped the government achieve its social objective, and it may even end up being a profitable one, competing wit